We are making it easier for you to discover new updates to Merlin, so that you can make the most out of Merlin at work, home or play. You can log your feedback with reactions below, so that we get to know how our users react to our new features.
Since this is the first update on the product, I shall take a moment to thank you all for the constant feedback being logged on our Feedback page. We've accomplished so much over the past few months on Merlin.
We built a Live Search that is as/more accurate than ChatGPT Search and Perplexity Pro Search in fetching quantitative data from multiple sources
We launched Projects - a collaborative way to chat with Merlin and organise your knowledge so that you never have to re-find and re-upload docs
We launched Crafts - the most seamless prompt-to-code, prompt-to-diagram and prompt-to-app tool ever
Built Chat Sharing, Google Drive Integration, Wallflower and refined the visual experience across our offerings
and we aim to build so much more.
Thanks for being a part of the family. Do keep an eye on our roadmap and report your feedback at feedback.getmerlin.in! Yer a wizard!