Our Team
Pratyush Rai
Co-founder & CEO
Engineer at heart. Customer care at Foyer. Formerly a business doctor at BCG.
Sirsendu Sarkar
Co-founder / Product & Ops
Wannabe bitcoin billionaire, hopium addict & your sports guy (football, baddy & chess)
Mehul Kundu
Product Design
Designer who knows how to code with an Indian Hippie fashion sense. Core team Fueler. Runs a side kick Bohon.
Kalpna Thakur
Marketing Lead
Our marketing powerhouse, automation master & influencer extraordinaire, has a SaaS tool for every task - all while keeping the fun in our team!
Priyanshu Upadhyay
Software Engineer
An anxious coder, a wannabe mixologist, cybersec enthusiast with a knack for finding good music.
Atharva Rane
Junior Intern
Full Stack Intern and Manchester United superfan, passionate about coding and video calling!
Shubham Vishwakarma
Chief Bug Officer
Intern by day, Chief Bug Officer by night - making the impossible possible, one bug at a time!